I loved Giffin's first 3 books (Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and Baby Proof - go read them!) and was really looking forward to this one. However, the main character is so unlikeable I could barely get through the book. She's selfish, spoiled and basically a huge brat. I felt myself rooting AGAINST her and hoping she'd end up alone and her husband would dump her miserable ass.
Ellen, the main character, is newly married to Andy, her best friend's brother. Their relationship is happy, but a little bland (her sister describes it as "pleasant"). Andy is a sweet and likable character, however, you'd think he was a jerk the way Ellen acts in this book.
Exactly what is wrong with her life? Her husband is seriously loaded, his family is wonderful, she has everything she could want or need (great photography career, nice place in NYC, good friends) yet she feels the need to ruin it all by starting this obsessive flirtation with an ex (Leo) who dumped her 8 years ago and was never good for her in the 1st place. You can see the attraction to Leo from his physical description and if you're into the whole brooding artist type, Leo's your guy. But he was such a jerk to her before, I don't understand why she'd even want to talk to him at all.
The best friend/sister-in-law Margot is a somewhat lovable yuppy type who moves back from NYC to Atlanta, where Andy and Margot's family lives, to start a family and do the whole "ladies who lunch" thing. Ellen looks down on anyone who leaves New York and is really critical of Atlanta (which I think is funny because the author lives in Altanta). When Margot finds out that Ellen's talking to Leo again, she understandably freaks out, to Ellen's surprise. Um hello! YOU'RE MARRIED TO HER BROTHER!!! Do ya really think she's going to be cool with this?
The writing in this book is not up to par with her former works, either.
And for some reason, Giffin must hate Pittsburgh because she bashes it every chance she gets (Ellen is originally from Pitt). Not that I'm a huge fan of the city, and some of what she says is true, but she seriously makes fun of Pittsburgh throughout the whole book. Although I did love the part where Margot has a party where Ellen brings "Pittsburgh wine" and Margot's snobby best friends make fun of it, not knowing that Ellen brought it.
I'm glad I got this as a christmas present b/c I would have been freaking pissed off if I paid 24.95 at Borders!!!
I told you it was her worst book! I hated it from beginning to end. Andy treats her so well, and she acts like he's a pest. I was hoping he'd dump her, but no...it had a happy (for her) ending.